Super User by Super User, 3 months ago
Night Has Fallen 4 2024

I begin the trailer with the ending scene of Mike and The President. Mike wants to retire but the President insist he stay. I made a scene of Kevin Spacey and Gerald Butler fighting by connecting their scenes making it look like Mike stormed the White House and found out who the real bad guy behind all this. When I made this there has been talks about the 4th installment of The Fallen franchise to be titled “Night Has Fallen”. To be honest I don’t get why its called that. The trailer turn out to be good I hope it does well in the channel so I will continue this dream trailer series! I chose an action thriller vibe for the trailer music because of the genre of the trailer. Overall the trailer is a bit random because of the lack of storyline, but I think its a good thing because it open doors for possible plot in the future if this because well received I will make more versions.